Grimsby & Lincoln Creeks Floodplain Mapping

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We thank all participants and everyone who visited this portal to obtain information about the Grimsby and Lincoln Floodplain Mapping updates!

The consultation process has now concluded.

Photo of flooding in creeks with green tulip leaf

The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority is in the process of updating floodplain mapping for Beamsville Creek, Bartlett Creek, Prudhommes Creek, and six creeks in the Town of Grimsby. These floodplains were last mapped more than 25 years ago.

An important part of this process is engaging our community, particularly those who live in the vicinity of these creeks. Click here to see if your house is in the new floodplain.

This portal houses important documents that all are welcome to review, a project timeline which outlines the process for updating the floodplains and frequently asked questions.

Due to COVID-19, the two in-person information sessions that were scheduled in the spring were cancelled. Keeping the situation in mind and in an effort to protect staff and the community, these information sessions will now be offered virtually.


Please read the Floodplain Mapping Update Draft Report found on the right hand side, and send feedback by:

1. Attending the Virtual Information Sessions to provide feedback (Videos can be found on the right)
2. If unable to attend, please check back on this portal as you will have the ability to watch the presentation and submit comments or questions (you may receive an answer publicly or privately depending on the nature of your inquiry)
3. Email written comment to Steve Miller, Senior Manager of Water Resources, at
4. Mail in your written comment to NPCA head office at 250 Thorold Rd 3rd Floor, Welland, ON L3C 3W2

Online Feedback:

The online Question & Answer tool is now open for the Town of Lincoln Information Session which took place on December 15, 2020. The webinar from Town of Grimsby will be available tomorrow. Please use the Q&A tool found below to provide feedback, comment, or questions, if you were not able to attend the sessions.

In attendance: Professional Facilitator, Glenn Pothier – Founder and president of GLPi — a niche provider of highly strategic communication, outreach/engagement, and facilitation services focused on helping clients to operate successfully and communicate effectively in complex environments. He is a practitioner with over 25 years experience who has worked on a range of major projects, most of which involved contentious and sensitive issues — from large-scale individual environmental assessments, municipal transportation plans and related improvements, to growth management initiatives, community strategic plans, and floodplain mapping projects, among others.

Steve Miller, Senior Manager of Water Resources
David Deluce, Senior Manager of Planning and Regulations
Darren MacKenzie, Director of Watershed Management

The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority is in the process of updating floodplain mapping for Beamsville Creek, Bartlett Creek, Prudhommes Creek, and six creeks in the Town of Grimsby. These floodplains were last mapped more than 25 years ago.

An important part of this process is engaging our community, particularly those who live in the vicinity of these creeks. Click here to see if your house is in the new floodplain.

This portal houses important documents that all are welcome to review, a project timeline which outlines the process for updating the floodplains and frequently asked questions.

Due to COVID-19, the two in-person information sessions that were scheduled in the spring were cancelled. Keeping the situation in mind and in an effort to protect staff and the community, these information sessions will now be offered virtually.


Please read the Floodplain Mapping Update Draft Report found on the right hand side, and send feedback by:

1. Attending the Virtual Information Sessions to provide feedback (Videos can be found on the right)
2. If unable to attend, please check back on this portal as you will have the ability to watch the presentation and submit comments or questions (you may receive an answer publicly or privately depending on the nature of your inquiry)
3. Email written comment to Steve Miller, Senior Manager of Water Resources, at
4. Mail in your written comment to NPCA head office at 250 Thorold Rd 3rd Floor, Welland, ON L3C 3W2

Online Feedback:

The online Question & Answer tool is now open for the Town of Lincoln Information Session which took place on December 15, 2020. The webinar from Town of Grimsby will be available tomorrow. Please use the Q&A tool found below to provide feedback, comment, or questions, if you were not able to attend the sessions.

In attendance: Professional Facilitator, Glenn Pothier – Founder and president of GLPi — a niche provider of highly strategic communication, outreach/engagement, and facilitation services focused on helping clients to operate successfully and communicate effectively in complex environments. He is a practitioner with over 25 years experience who has worked on a range of major projects, most of which involved contentious and sensitive issues — from large-scale individual environmental assessments, municipal transportation plans and related improvements, to growth management initiatives, community strategic plans, and floodplain mapping projects, among others.

Steve Miller, Senior Manager of Water Resources
David Deluce, Senior Manager of Planning and Regulations
Darren MacKenzie, Director of Watershed Management

We thank all participants and everyone who visited this portal to obtain information about the Grimsby and Lincoln Floodplain Mapping updates!

The consultation process has now concluded.

Thank you for your interest in the Floodplain Mapping project for a variety of creeks in Lincoln and Grimsby. A comprehensive consultation and engagement process will help keep residents informed and provide an opportunity for participation and feedback. 

Before providing your feedback here, please ensure you have read the Update Draft Report found on the main page and watched the Virtual Information Session. 

Kindly remember to specify if you are providing feedback Beamsville Creek, Bartlett Creek & Prudhommes Creek in the Town of Lincoln, or the six creeks in the Town of Grimsby.

  • Share Hello, I am really not understanding what the floodplain mapping is all about. I live on Kelson avenue north, just south of the tracks. I have experienced terrible smells coming from the pond which was put in with the subdivision behind me and I do know that the water levels do get very high. Will this plan resolve both of these issues? on Facebook Share Hello, I am really not understanding what the floodplain mapping is all about. I live on Kelson avenue north, just south of the tracks. I have experienced terrible smells coming from the pond which was put in with the subdivision behind me and I do know that the water levels do get very high. Will this plan resolve both of these issues? on Twitter Share Hello, I am really not understanding what the floodplain mapping is all about. I live on Kelson avenue north, just south of the tracks. I have experienced terrible smells coming from the pond which was put in with the subdivision behind me and I do know that the water levels do get very high. Will this plan resolve both of these issues? on Linkedin Email Hello, I am really not understanding what the floodplain mapping is all about. I live on Kelson avenue north, just south of the tracks. I have experienced terrible smells coming from the pond which was put in with the subdivision behind me and I do know that the water levels do get very high. Will this plan resolve both of these issues? link

    Hello, I am really not understanding what the floodplain mapping is all about. I live on Kelson avenue north, just south of the tracks. I have experienced terrible smells coming from the pond which was put in with the subdivision behind me and I do know that the water levels do get very high. Will this plan resolve both of these issues?

    G asked about 4 years ago

    Hello G, thanks for your question! 

    The NPCA’s Floodplain Mapping Update project was only undertaken to determine the extent of the land that will experience flooding during the major 100-year storm event. This storm will drop approximately 4 inches of rain over a 12 hour period. 

    This study was not intended to review the operation or the issues associated with the stormwater management facility that services the Lampman Drive subdivision. We kindly suggest contacting the Town of Grimsby to relay your concerns regarding this facility.