Trees For All- July 2023 Update
The landowner and property data gathered in the spring of 2023 was used to submit funding applications to both the Federal 2 Billion Trees Small Scale Rural and Urban/Suburban tree planting streams in early June, with aspirations to plant 1 million trees across the Niagara Peninsula watershed by 2031.
Since then, we have received some initial inquiries related to the application and are waiting to hear back from the federal government on the success of our applications by December 2023. In the meantime, we continue to optimistically prepare to begin planting in the spring of 2024.
Every landowner application has been assessed and admitted into the program, and we are in the process of confirming our projected multi-year planting schedules.
- In considering ease of implementation once private land tree plantings begin in 2024, we have prioritized high volume opportunities (500+ trees per site) and have already connected with these landowners.
- We aim to contact those currently projected for planting in 2025 and beyond as soon as plans for 2024 are solidified. Subsequent years will follow this same process.
- Approximately 200 small residential properties estimated to hold less than 100 trees will also be contacted in the future with more information and next steps.
- Some sites, particularly those leaning towards reforestation, remain unscheduled as more time is required to assess planting needs, develop planting plans, and schedule specialized forestry resources.
Every landowner and property is valuable to this important project and we appreciate everyone's patience as we continue to follow up with more information, to schedule site visits, and confirm planting plans in the upcoming months. We have updated our Frequently Asked Questions and encourage all landowners to review these.
Since the program proposes a total of 1 million trees planted in the Niagara Peninsula watershed by 2030, should we be successful with our funding application, we anticipate launching a second callout for private landowner applications in 2024 to help reach this goal.
In the event that the Niagara Peninsula Tree Planting Partnership does not receive Federal 2 Billion Tree funding, the NPCA will endeavor to address the planting opportunities through its existing Restoration Grant Program and services, albeit likely through alternate planting scheduling.
Trees For All Goals:
- Set the Niagara Peninsula Tree Planting Partnership as a local aggregator for tree planting services in the Niagara Peninsula watershed;
- Plant 1 million trees by 2031 on both private and public lands with high civic engagement through community plantings;
- Enhance implementation services by prioritizing site preparation and tree maintenance complementary to planting activities and through prescription by forestry and ecological restoration professionals to ensure tree survival and optimize environmental co-benefits; and
- Establish and coordinate a formal community of practice for Carolinian seed collection in the Niagara Peninsula watershed, to source and supply native stock of sufficient variety and build biodiversity resilience through plantings.