Conservation Area Strategy

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The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) is developing a Conservation Area Strategy (CA Strategy) to guide the delivery and enhancement of the programs and services it offers on its conservation areas, and inform future policies and management plans.

Guided by the 2021-2031 Strategic Plan, our team of experts collaborated on a discussion paper that outlines our vision for the operation and maintenance of NPCA conservation areas and lands, as well as the process for drafting the strategy.

Your participation is vital to the success of NPCA’s Conservation Area Strategy! By understanding how visitors engage with conservation areas and the programs and services offered, we can make informed decisions to enhance the visitor experience, boost conservation efforts, and ensure these natural spaces remain vibrant and sustainable for future generations.

The Conservation Area Strategy is a requirement of Ontario Regulation 686/21 and is to be completed by December 31, 2024.


  1. Review additional documents, FAQs, and resources on this page.
  2. Read the 'Discussion Paper' to learn about the Conservation Area Strategy.
  3. Fill out the 10-minute survey! Closes September 27.
  4. Attend the hybrid Public Information Centre on Tuesday, September 24 at 7 p.m. Registration required.
  5. Submit written comments or questions using the Q&A tool below until Tuesday, November 12.

We invite members of the watershed community to participate in this process by sharing feedback on this proposed approach.

For all other inquiries not related to this project, please visit

The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) is developing a Conservation Area Strategy (CA Strategy) to guide the delivery and enhancement of the programs and services it offers on its conservation areas, and inform future policies and management plans.

Guided by the 2021-2031 Strategic Plan, our team of experts collaborated on a discussion paper that outlines our vision for the operation and maintenance of NPCA conservation areas and lands, as well as the process for drafting the strategy.

Your participation is vital to the success of NPCA’s Conservation Area Strategy! By understanding how visitors engage with conservation areas and the programs and services offered, we can make informed decisions to enhance the visitor experience, boost conservation efforts, and ensure these natural spaces remain vibrant and sustainable for future generations.

The Conservation Area Strategy is a requirement of Ontario Regulation 686/21 and is to be completed by December 31, 2024.


  1. Review additional documents, FAQs, and resources on this page.
  2. Read the 'Discussion Paper' to learn about the Conservation Area Strategy.
  3. Fill out the 10-minute survey! Closes September 27.
  4. Attend the hybrid Public Information Centre on Tuesday, September 24 at 7 p.m. Registration required.
  5. Submit written comments or questions using the Q&A tool below until Tuesday, November 12.

We invite members of the watershed community to participate in this process by sharing feedback on this proposed approach.

For all other inquiries not related to this project, please visit

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Page last updated: 12 Sep 2024, 09:31 AM