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A Hike at Ball’s Falls Conservation Area

Conservation in Niagara: Experiencing Nature in Your Backyard
Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority's conservation areas have much to offer whether it’s natural heritage features, rich local history, beautiful hiking trails or recreational activities for all ages.
On September 22, Kerry Royer, the NPCA's Community Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator, joined the Grimsby Public Library for a recorded Zoom presentation on the work of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, focused on special projects, ecology, species at risk, volunteering and partnerships.

Conservation in Niagara: How to Help Our Native Pollinators Workshop
Conservation in Niagara: How to Help Our Native Pollinators Workshop presented by Kerry Royer, Community Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator.
In Niagara, pollinators provide essential ecosystem services to many plants and animals and